曾 迎 三. 清道人年谱(一)[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (9): 18-25.
    引用本文: 曾 迎 三. 清道人年谱(一)[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (9): 18-25.
    ZENG Ying-san. A Chronicle of Qing Daoren's Life[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (9): 18-25.
    Citation: ZENG Ying-san. A Chronicle of Qing Daoren's Life[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (9): 18-25.


    A Chronicle of Qing Daoren's Life

    • 摘要: 李瑞清是清末民初著名的书法家、美术教育家,辛亥革命后自署“清道人”。李瑞清与著名书法家曾熙乃至交,辛亥革命后二人鬻书海上,时有“南曾北李”之誉。二人共同开门授徒,形成盛极一时的“曾李同门会”。国画大师张大千即师出曾熙和李瑞清。本文以年谱简编的形式,对清道人李瑞清一生的主要行事进行了必要的梳理。


      Abstract: LI Rui-qing was a famous calligrapher and art educator in late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. After the 1911 Revolution, he called himself Qin Daoren. He was the best friend of the well-known calligrapher ZENG Xi. After the Revolution, they began to sell books and their calligraphic works. Then there was the saying “South ZENG and North LI”. They both started to accept pupils, hence there formed the thriving “Alumni of ZENGs and LIs”. The master of Chinese painting ZHANG Da-qian was once their pupil. This paper has sorted out the main stories of LI Rui-qing in the form of chronicle.


