钟华, 杨栩. 苏州城乡银发居民参与体育文化生活调查[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (8): 106-108.
    引用本文: 钟华, 杨栩. 苏州城乡银发居民参与体育文化生活调查[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (8): 106-108.
    ZHONG Hua, YANG Xu. Survey of Urban and Rural Aged Residents’ Participation in Sports Cultural Life in Suzhou[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (8): 106-108.
    Citation: ZHONG Hua, YANG Xu. Survey of Urban and Rural Aged Residents’ Participation in Sports Cultural Life in Suzhou[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (8): 106-108.


    Survey of Urban and Rural Aged Residents’ Participation in Sports Cultural Life in Suzhou

    • 摘要: 采用资料法、调查法及统计等研究方法,对银发居民及体育文化生活相关概念进行界定,完成综述的整理和选题依据的确立,揭示当下苏州城乡银发居民参与体育文化生活的现状.结果表明:苏州城乡银发居民参与体育文化生活状况良好,对健康的重视程度好及体育锻炼意识强,参与的主动性高,文明、健康的体育文化生活方式正在形成,科学化健身需进一步提升.针对健身人群的需求和存在的问题,从多个层面提出苏州城乡银发居民改善体育文化生活质量的路径,切实关注银发居民晚年体育文化生活,促进与完善银发居民体育全面、和谐与健康发展.


      Abstract: By means of literature review, survey and mathematical statistics, the silver-haired residents and sports culture life are defined, and the sorting out of data is done and the grounds for the choice of topic are decided on and thus to find out about the status quo of the sports culture life about the aged people in Suzhou. The results show that a satisfactory participation in the sports cultural life is found among the aged residents who are characteristic of a strong emphasis on health status and strong awareness for physical exercise and with highly active participation; a civilized, healthy living style for sports culture is taking shape, although a scientific mode of sports exercise is still needed. Based on the demands and the existing problems found, multi-level solution is put forth to improve the aged people’s sports culture life in the hope of making it a reality to achieve an all-round, harmonious and healthy development of the sports culture among the aged people.


