陈红亮, 龙黔. 贵州地方师范院校化工基础实验教学改革初探[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (8): 85-87.
    引用本文: 陈红亮, 龙黔. 贵州地方师范院校化工基础实验教学改革初探[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (8): 85-87.
    CHEN Hong liang, LONG Qian. Reflection upon the Chemical Engineering Basic Experiment Teaching Reform in Local Normal Colleges of Guizhou[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (8): 85-87.
    Citation: CHEN Hong liang, LONG Qian. Reflection upon the Chemical Engineering Basic Experiment Teaching Reform in Local Normal Colleges of Guizhou[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (8): 85-87.


    Reflection upon the Chemical Engineering Basic Experiment Teaching Reform in Local Normal Colleges of Guizhou

    • 摘要: 贵州地方师范院校开设的化工基础实验面临着新的教学模式的探索.在教学内容上,增设综合性和设计性实验,以及引入化工学科发展的新成果和新技术来提高学生实验技能和拓展其知识面;在教学方式和手段上,将多媒体教学、化工仿真实验教学及传统教学手段相结合,开放实验室,改善实验考核评分体系等,来解决化工基础实验设备不足和学生学习效果差等问题


      Abstract: Local normal colleges of Guizhou province are confronted with the challenge of finding a new teaching model for the teaching ofChemical Engineering Basic Experiment (CEBE). Our study finds that in terms of the teaching content the adding of comprehensive experiments and experiment design, the introduction of new achievements and technologies in the field of chemical engineering is beneficial for improving students’ experimental skills and their range of knowledge; in terms of teaching means and approaches, the integration of multi-media, chemical engineering simulation experiment teaching with the traditional teaching methods, open access to laboratories, and the optimization of the experiment evaluation system are conducive to solve the problems of insufficient experiment facilities and ineffective learning efficiency.


