顾伟成, 邹红, 郭兰叶, 黄万容, 张列. 四川省人口老龄化问题及对策[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (8): 54-58.
    引用本文: 顾伟成, 邹红, 郭兰叶, 黄万容, 张列. 四川省人口老龄化问题及对策[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (8): 54-58.
    GU Wei cheng, ZOU Hong, GUO Lan ye, HUANG Wan rong, ZHANG Lie. On the Aging Population and Counter Measures in Sichuan[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (8): 54-58.
    Citation: GU Wei cheng, ZOU Hong, GUO Lan ye, HUANG Wan rong, ZHANG Lie. On the Aging Population and Counter Measures in Sichuan[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (8): 54-58.


    On the Aging Population and Counter Measures in Sichuan

    • 摘要: 以四川省为例,运用各类人口普查和统计年鉴数据对人口老龄化进行研究,探讨了四川省人口老龄化的基本现状:老年人口数量大、比重高、增长快,人口老龄化区域、城乡发展不平衡,老龄政策体系不完善、效力低下、制度滞后;分析了相应的影响:人口老龄化影响社会生产的快速增长、分配的均衡性与消费市场结构;进而提出了应对的主要措施:适当调整生育政策,缓解人口老龄化压力;探索弹性退休制度,建立梯度养老保险制度;家庭、社会养老联手共进,建立多层次、多维度的养老保障体系;倡导积极老龄化,开发老年消费市场.


      Abstract: Take Sichuan as an example, a status quo research is made into the aging population in Sichuan by analyzing all kinds of cencus statistics and data from demographic yearbooks. The finding shows that the population of Sichuan is characterized by an oversized aging population, high ratio, excessively rapid growth and an uneven development between the cities and the rural areas, incomplete and inefficient policy system for the aged and inadequate systematic guarantee, which has resulted in the following consequences: the aging population retards the rapid growth of social production, disturbs the balance of allocation, and disrupts the structure of consumption market. And the counter measures are as follows: the adjustment of child-bearing policy so as to relieve the aging pressure; the exploration of elastic retirement; the establishment of gradient pension insurance policy; the establishment of a multi-level, multi-dimension old-age insurance system through joint efforts made by family and society; the advocation of active aging so as to expand the consumption market for the old.


