刘晖龙, 李荇. 高考历史学科素养能力考查创新例析 ——以2012高考文科综合(历史)全国或分省卷试题为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 121-125.
    引用本文: 刘晖龙, 李荇. 高考历史学科素养能力考查创新例析 ——以2012高考文科综合(历史)全国或分省卷试题为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 121-125.
    LIU Hui long, LI Xing. An Analysis of Innovative Ability of History Attainment in Entrance Examination:A Case Study of National or Provincial Comprehensive Examination of Liberal Arts in 2012[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 121-125.
    Citation: LIU Hui long, LI Xing. An Analysis of Innovative Ability of History Attainment in Entrance Examination:A Case Study of National or Provincial Comprehensive Examination of Liberal Arts in 2012[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 121-125.

    高考历史学科素养能力考查创新例析 ——以2012高考文科综合(历史)全国或分省卷试题为例

    An Analysis of Innovative Ability of History Attainment in Entrance Examination:A Case Study of National or Provincial Comprehensive Examination of Liberal Arts in 2012

    • 摘要: 2012年高考文科综合(历史)全国或分省卷试题,针对历史学科素养与能力考查主要体现在:基于历史学科特有的思维方式,实现对历史时序及历史阶段的基本特征的创新考查;运用丰富多彩、形式新颖的材料,从新情境、新问题、新角度考查考生对史料进行多方面的、真实的解读能力和形成对历史的认识与理解,其目标是对学习的能力与潜力的考查;基于新课程“情感态度价值观”的能力目标,创新历史学科思想素养的考查;基于跨学科知识融通的命题形式,立足于社会学科知识及内容的有机结合,拓宽综合素养能力考查的创新。


      Abstract: In national or provincial comprehensive test papers in 2012 entrance examination, the test of the innovative ability of history mainly is aimed to check the students' innovation of fundamental features of historical stages and chronological order based on unique thinking mode of history; their interpretation and understanding of history and historical records in new situation, with new problems and from new perspectives with the help of various new materials given, which is in attempt to know the students' study ability and their potential; the innovation of the subject history based on the ability objective of emotion, attitude and values in new curriculum; the comprehensive innovation based on the fusion of interdisciplinary knowledge and the combination between social sciences and history.


