郑孝莲. 协同学视阈下高校贫困生心理适应不良的成因及其对策[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 111-114.
    引用本文: 郑孝莲. 协同学视阈下高校贫困生心理适应不良的成因及其对策[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 111-114.
    ZHENG Xiao lian. On Causes of Maladaptive Psychology of Poor University Students and the Coping Strategies from a Perspective of Coordination Theory[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 111-114.
    Citation: ZHENG Xiao lian. On Causes of Maladaptive Psychology of Poor University Students and the Coping Strategies from a Perspective of Coordination Theory[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 111-114.


    On Causes of Maladaptive Psychology of Poor University Students and the Coping Strategies from a Perspective of Coordination Theory

    • 摘要: 协同学视阈下高校贫困生心理适应不良的原因在于外因内因协同作用,其中内因是作为起主要作用的序参量,支配原理体现在外因通过内因起作用。协同学视阈下高校贫困生心理适应不良的对策分为内外两种对策,内在对策是作为起主要作用的序参量,支配原理则体现在外在对策通过内在对策起作用。


      Abstract: From a perspective of coordination theory, the maladaptive psychology of poor university students is caused by the coordination of both internal and external factors, of which the internal factor is the main order parameter of which the domination principle is shown in the statement that the external factor functions through the internal one. Accordingly, the coping strategies include both internal and external ones, of which the internal strategy is the main order parameter of which domination principle is shown in the text that the external strategy functions through the internal one.


