刘春鱼. 论大学英语教学中教师的去动机因素及解决措施[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 100-102.
    引用本文: 刘春鱼. 论大学英语教学中教师的去动机因素及解决措施[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 100-102.
    LIU Chun yu. On Teachers’De motivation in College English Teaching and the Coping Strategies[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 100-102.
    Citation: LIU Chun yu. On Teachers’De motivation in College English Teaching and the Coping Strategies[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 100-102.


    On Teachers’De motivation in College English Teaching and the Coping Strategies

    • 摘要: 在引起学习者动机退化的众多因素中,与教师相关的因素起着主要作用。与教师相关的去动机因素主要分为与教师性格特征相关的因素与教师教学相关的因素以及与师生关系相关的因素。解决英语教学过程中教师去动机因素对学习者的影响,可以从教师的榜样作用,教师改进教学方法、完善教学内容,以及建立良好的师生关系三方面入手,从而促进动机退化的学习者学习动机的再生。


      Abstract: The teacher related factors play a major role in the process of students’ de-motivating. Such factors mainly involve those related with teacher’s characters, teaching and with the relationship between teachers and students. We can start from teachers as models, the innovation of teaching methods, perfection of teaching content, and the establishment of good relationship between teachers and students to deal with the influence on learners from the teachers’ de-motivation in teaching. This is done in an attempt to stimulate the rebirth of learners’ motivation.


