佟博. 朱彝尊与曹溶交游考论[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 64-68.
    引用本文: 佟博. 朱彝尊与曹溶交游考论[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 64-68.
    TONG Bo. A Research into the Friendshipbetween ZHU Yi zun and CAO Rong and Their Travels[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 64-68.
    Citation: TONG Bo. A Research into the Friendshipbetween ZHU Yi zun and CAO Rong and Their Travels[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 64-68.


    A Research into the Friendshipbetween ZHU Yi zun and CAO Rong and Their Travels

    • 摘要: 朱彝尊一生游遍大江南北,交游无数,曹溶是朱彝尊众多交游中对其影响较大的一位。由于家世渊源、政治原因以及共同的文学追求,使得两人建立起深厚的友谊。在长达三十年的交游中,曹溶在政治上、经济上、文学创作上都给予朱彝尊巨大的帮助和影响


      Abstract: ZHU YI zun had traveled to most places both south and north of Yangtze River during all his life. And he had made countless friends, among which CAO Rong was one. CAO was one of those who had exerted great influence on him. Due to familial origins, political causes and the common pursuit in literature, the two persons established deep friendship between them. In about three decades of his traveling, CAO had offered his great help to him and exerted great influence on him politically, economically and in literary creation.


