西部欠发达地区基层法院法官队伍稳定机制研究 ——以内江市东兴区人民法院为例
A Study of Staff Stability Mechanism of Grass roots Courts in Western Underdeveloped Regions: A Case Study of Dongxing People’s Court
摘要: 西部基层法官队伍的稳定,关乎中国司法现代化的进程。稳定西部欠发达地区基层法院法官队伍,应建立基层法官队伍人员保障机制、激励机制和情感管理机制,真正使西部基层法官队伍进得去、留得住、干得好,以满足人民群众日益增长的司法需求。Abstract: The staff stability of western grass-roots courts bears on the modernization of Chinese justice. To stabilize such a staff, we should establish the guarantee system of judge staff, the system for reward and penalty, emotional management mechanism, which will guarantee talent’s entrance, retention and effort. This will with no doubt meet people’s increasing judicial demands.