曾强. 突出大千文化培育新兴产业 ——内江特色文化旅游品牌的打造途径研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 29-31.
    引用本文: 曾强. 突出大千文化培育新兴产业 ——内江特色文化旅游品牌的打造途径研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 29-31.
    ZENG Qiang. Highlighting the Da qian Culture and Developing the Mew Industries: A Study of Ways to Build the Tourist Brands with Unique Neijiang Culture[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 29-31.
    Citation: ZENG Qiang. Highlighting the Da qian Culture and Developing the Mew Industries: A Study of Ways to Build the Tourist Brands with Unique Neijiang Culture[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 29-31.

    突出大千文化培育新兴产业 ——内江特色文化旅游品牌的打造途径研究

    Highlighting the Da qian Culture and Developing the Mew Industries: A Study of Ways to Build the Tourist Brands with Unique Neijiang Culture

    • 摘要: 张大千作为世界知名人士,其本身所携带的形象价值、社会价值、经济价值和文化象征意义使其作为文化品牌具有明显的优势。近年来,内江以“大千故里?文化内江”为主题,在地域性特色文化旅游方面进行了积极探索。张大千文化品牌的打造应进一步突出重点,不断探索具有可操作性的新机制、新举措,同时还要注意品牌打造中的统筹协调问题。


      Abstract: As a world-wide known figure, ZHANG Da-qian is endowed with image, social and economic value and cultural symbolization, which has given ZHANG Da-qian as a cultural brand a striking advantage. In recent years, around the subject “Cultural Neijiang as the Hometown of ZHANG Da-qian”, people have made explorations in regional tourism with unique cultural features. We should highlight the fundamental, probe into the new operable mechanism and new measures, and pay attention to the coordination as well in the building of ZHANG Da-qian as a cultural brand.


