周妙龄. 张大千《蜀楚胜迹》初探[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 20-24.
    引用本文: 周妙龄. 张大千《蜀楚胜迹》初探[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (7): 20-24.
    ZHOU Miao ling. A Preliminary Study of ZHANG Da qian’s Painting Works on Scenic Spots in Sichuan and Hubei[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 20-24.
    Citation: ZHOU Miao ling. A Preliminary Study of ZHANG Da qian’s Painting Works on Scenic Spots in Sichuan and Hubei[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (7): 20-24.


    A Preliminary Study of ZHANG Da qian’s Painting Works on Scenic Spots in Sichuan and Hubei

    • 摘要: 1950至1960年代间,张大千创作了不少以长江山水为主题的画作,这些描绘家乡景色作品的受画者常是画家的亲旧故交,因此这些画作成为凝聚他和亲友间情谊以及思乡情愁的媒介。台北国立历史博物馆所藏《蜀楚胜迹》册即如此。张大千藉由自身所熟悉的长江山水混融了关于家乡的美好记忆;藉由馈赠至亲挚友,不仅唤起他们对故乡故情的熟悉与共鸣,也在他与受画者之间再次凝聚了属于彼此的情感世界与新的记忆。《蜀楚胜迹》以其实验性的技法表现,赋予长江山水画作怀乡情愁的内涵,无论放在张大千泼画风格发展的过程,或是长江山水之作来看,都有着独特的地位。


      Abstract: In the years between 1950s and 1960s, ZHANG Da qian created a number of landscape paintings about Changjiang River. The people who were donated with these paintings concerning the scenery of the painter’s hometown were generally his relatives or old friends. Accordingly, these paintings are the media which symbolize his nostalgia and the friendship and fellowship between him and his friends and relatives. The collection Scenic Spots in Sichuan and Hubei housed in Taipei National Museum is such an example. ZHANG fused his good memory of his hometown into his familiar Changjiang landscape. The donation of his paintings wakened the sympathy and feelings of his relatives and friends for their hometowns. And the new memory and the emotional world that belongs to the donation receivers and him once again were agglomerated.With its experimental techniques, the collection has given the landscape paintings about Changjiang the nostalgic connotation. Either from the perspective of ZHANG’s splash painting development or from the perspective of paintings concerning Changjiang River, it undoubtedly has its unique status.


