The Implicit National Cultural Identity of Hmong Undergraduates
摘要: 为了探究苗族大学生对本民族文化和主流文化的认同情况,采用外来情绪Simon 任务(extrinsic affective Simon task, EAST),对30名苗族大学生进行测查.结果发现:(1)在反应时指标上,苗族大学生在主流文化上的EAST 分数显著高于苗族文化;(2)在错误率指标上,主流文化和苗族文化没有显著性差异.结论:苗族大学生对主流文化认同态度更积极,在文化适应过程中可能采用了同化的适应策略.Abstract: To explore the Hmong undergraduates on their cultural identity of the ethnic and mainstream culture, 30 Hmong undergraduates were examined using the extrinsic affective Simon task (EAST).The results showed that (1)EAST reaction time scores on the mainstream culture were significantly greater than for the Hmong culture;(2)No significant differences is found in between the mainstream culture and the Hmong culture on EAST error rate scores. Conclusion: Hmong undergraduates have a more positive attitude toward the mainstream culture, and an adaptation strategy of assimilation may have been adopted in their process of cultural adaptation.