亢晓莉, 陈理宣. 试论家庭文化资本对个体发展的影响[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (3): 118-121.
    引用本文: 亢晓莉, 陈理宣. 试论家庭文化资本对个体发展的影响[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (3): 118-121.
    KANG Xiao li, CHEN LI xuan. On Influence of Familial Cultural Capital on Individual Development[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (3): 118-121.
    Citation: KANG Xiao li, CHEN LI xuan. On Influence of Familial Cultural Capital on Individual Development[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (3): 118-121.


    On Influence of Familial Cultural Capital on Individual Development

    • 摘要: 家庭文化资本是教育社会学研究领域备受关注的一个问题,它是指一个家庭所拥有的性情、气质、兴趣取向、文化氛围、处事方式等方面的优势,具体包括体制化资本、客观化资本和具体化资本。家庭文化资本对个体一生影响深远,主要表现在对个体文化程度、学习环境、性格品质等方面的影响上。因此必须丰富家庭文化资本,促进个体健康成长。


      Abstract: The familial cultural capital, a key issue in the field of educational sociology, refers to the temperament, interest, cultural atmosphere, and ways of doing things which a family possesses. Specifically, it includes three kinds: systematized, objectified and specified. Such capital may exert influence on the whole life of an individual, specifically, on personal education, learning environment, and attributes. Accordingly, we should enrich such capital in order to help an individual grow healthily.


