蒋雪梅. 民生工程中的教育发展问题探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (3): 114-117.
    引用本文: 蒋雪梅. 民生工程中的教育发展问题探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (3): 114-117.
    JIANG Xue mei. On Educational Development in People’s Livelihood Projects[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (3): 114-117.
    Citation: JIANG Xue mei. On Educational Development in People’s Livelihood Projects[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (3): 114-117.


    On Educational Development in People’s Livelihood Projects

    • 摘要: 我党对中国特色社会主义建设规律认识不断深化,关注民生、解决民生问题成为社会主义建设的重点工程。这是我党坚持以人为本执政理念和立党为公,执政为民宗旨的具体体现。教育是民生之基,发展教育是解决民生问题的基础工程。一方面,教育的现实状况决定关注民生必须优先发展教育,另一方面,教育的功能决定关注民生必须优先发展教育。因此,必须站在关注民生的高度上,采取发展教育的新举措,即在经济发展的基础上,优先发展教育;落实教育经费保障机制,发展义务教育;推进均衡教育,实现优质教育资源共享。


      Abstract: Our party’s understanding of rules of socialist construction with Chinese features is getting deeper and deeper. Attention paid to people’s livelihood and solution to problems concerning it have become the key projects in socialist constrution. This is the specific reflection of the concept that our party sticks to the people oriented principle, and the tenet that the party is founded for the pulic and runs our country for all the people. And education is the foundation of people’s livelihood. Its development is the fundamental project to solve problems of people’s livelihood. On one hand, the current situation of education determines the priority of educational development if we care for people’s livelihood. On the other hand, the educational functions also determine such priority. Accordingly, we should take a high point of caring for people’s livelihood and take some measures to develop education, namely, on the basis of economic development, we give priority to economic development. Moreover, we should make the mechanism of garanteeing educaitonal fund to develop compulsory education. Lastly, we have to promote the symmetrical educaiton in oder to share the execellent education resources.


