刘银姣. 四川达州话的副词“紧到”探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (3): 107-109.
    引用本文: 刘银姣. 四川达州话的副词“紧到”探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (3): 107-109.
    LIU Yin jiao. A Study of the Adverb“Jindao” in Dazhou Dialect[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (3): 107-109.
    Citation: LIU Yin jiao. A Study of the Adverb“Jindao” in Dazhou Dialect[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (3): 107-109.


    A Study of the Adverb“Jindao” in Dazhou Dialect

    • 摘要: 达州话是西南官话的一个分支,其副词“紧到”与普通话的副词“一直”和“老是”在意义和用法上都有不同。“紧到”表示动作持续不断或状态持续不变,是方言中表达持续范畴的一种词汇手段,具有很强的主观性和逆预期性,传递说话人抱怨、不满或不耐烦的情感态度,隐含说话人对动作行为或状态的主观评价。


      Abstract: The Dazhou dialect is a branch of official languages in Southwest China. Its adverb “jindao” is different from “always” in Mandarin Chinese in both meaning and usage. This word means the continuation of an action or no change of a state. As a lexical means expressing continuation, it has strong subjectivity and defied anticipation. And it expresses the speaker’s complaints, dissatisfaction and impatience. It implied the speakers’ subjective evaluation on others’ action or state.


