史冬游. 论辛禑王时期高丽对明朝外交倒退之缘由[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (3): 91-93.
    引用本文: 史冬游. 论辛禑王时期高丽对明朝外交倒退之缘由[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (3): 91-93.
    SHI Dong you. On Causes for Diplomatic Backwardness to Ming Dynasty during the Period of Goryeo U’wang of Kory[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (3): 91-93.
    Citation: SHI Dong you. On Causes for Diplomatic Backwardness to Ming Dynasty during the Period of Goryeo U’wang of Kory[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (3): 91-93.


    On Causes for Diplomatic Backwardness to Ming Dynasty during the Period of Goryeo U’wang of Kory

    • 摘要: 1368年明朝建立,中原政局大势已定。明朝日益强盛,北元势力渐衰,一向以事大为外交原则的高丽,于辛禑王时期,一改恭愍王时期的亲明政策,恢复与北元方面的外交。这种对明朝外交倒退现象的出现,一方面受到北元势力对高丽内政的影响,另一方面归因于明朝对高丽政权的态度。辛禑十四年,高丽征辽失败恢复与明朝的外交并与北元断交。


      Abstract: In 1368 when Ming Dynasty was founded, the political situation of central China was basically formed. Ming Dynasty was getting stronger and stronger and Northern Yuan tended to be weaker. Kory Dynasty during the period of Goryeo U’wang, which had paid great attention to foreign affairs, changed the pro-Ming policies of Gongminwang, resumed the diplomatic relation with Northern Yuan in stead of Ming Dynasty. Such regress of diplomatic relation with Ming Dynasty was, on one hand, due to the influence of Northern Yuan on Kory’s internal politicies; on the other hand, due to Ming’s attitudes toward Kory. In the 14th year of Goryeo U’wang, Kory witnessed its failure in conquering Liao Kingdom and afterward it resumed the diplomatic relation with Ming Dynasty and stopped such relation with Northern Yuan.


