肖砚凌. 孟启《本事诗》述论[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (3): 45-47.
    引用本文: 肖砚凌. 孟启《本事诗》述论[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (3): 45-47.
    XIAO Yan ling. A Study of MENG Qi’s A Collection of Poems concerning Themselves[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (3): 45-47.
    Citation: XIAO Yan ling. A Study of MENG Qi’s A Collection of Poems concerning Themselves[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (3): 45-47.


    A Study of MENG Qi’s A Collection of Poems concerning Themselves

    • 摘要: 《本事诗》是一部专门记载诗歌创作、传播及品鉴类故事的诗本事专著。尽管它的内容带有综合性,兼具文学、文献及理论的价值,但其主要价值仍在文学批评方面。《本事诗》可称为“唐人诗话”,它不仅是先宋诗话发展的高峰,也是宋代诗话成型的重要先导。


      Abstract: A Collection of Poems concerning Themselves is a monograph which specially records stories concerning poetic creation, dissemination and appreciation. Though it is comprehensive and of literary, literature and theoretical value, its main value lies in its literary criticism. This work can also be called “literati’s poetic narrative of Tang Dynasty”. It is not only the summit of poetic narrative of both Tang and Song Dynasties, but the pioneer of Song’s narrative style.


