龚群英, 雷晓燕, 包成香. 建筑行业人群心理健康现状调查[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (2): 86-89.
    引用本文: 龚群英, 雷晓燕, 包成香. 建筑行业人群心理健康现状调查[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (2): 86-89.
    GONG Qun-ying, LEI Xiao-yan, BAO Cheng-xiang. Mental Health Survey of People Engaged in the Construction Industry[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (2): 86-89.
    Citation: GONG Qun-ying, LEI Xiao-yan, BAO Cheng-xiang. Mental Health Survey of People Engaged in the Construction Industry[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (2): 86-89.


    Mental Health Survey of People Engaged in the Construction Industry

    • 摘要: 了解建筑行业人群的心理健康状况,采用症状自评量表为研究工具对952名建筑进行问卷调查.结果表明:(1)不同地域建筑工作人群心理状况总体上无显著差异;(2)18岁以下的群体4个因子得分显著高于其他年龄段人员;(3)初中及以下学历群体2个因子显著高于其他群体.建筑行业工作人群的心理健康状况较好,不同群体间的心理健康状况存在一定的差异.


      Abstract: To find out the mental health of construction industry practitioners,952 construction industry practitioners were subjected to a test by means of SCL-90 questionnaire. Results: 1. There finds no significant difference in different groups;2. The scores in terms of four factors of SCL-90 in the group under the age of 18 are found higher than those from the other groups; 3.The scores in terms of two factors of SCL-90 in the group that receive merely a Primary education are higher than those from the other groups. The state of mental health of construction industry practitioners was good,yet there exist certain differences among different groups.


