王珊, 廖桂堂, 熊鸿焰, 代光银, 胡涛君. 川南地区耕地土壤pH时空变化分析——以宜宾市南溪区长兴镇为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (2): 52-55.
    引用本文: 王珊, 廖桂堂, 熊鸿焰, 代光银, 胡涛君. 川南地区耕地土壤pH时空变化分析——以宜宾市南溪区长兴镇为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (2): 52-55.
    WANG Shan, LIAO Gui-tang, XIONG Hong-yan, DAI Guang-yin, HU Tao-jun. Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Change of the Farmland Soil pH in Southern Sichuan Provinc——A Case Study of Changxing, Nanxi District of Yibin[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (2): 52-55.
    Citation: WANG Shan, LIAO Gui-tang, XIONG Hong-yan, DAI Guang-yin, HU Tao-jun. Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Change of the Farmland Soil pH in Southern Sichuan Provinc——A Case Study of Changxing, Nanxi District of Yibin[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (2): 52-55.


    Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Change of the Farmland Soil pH in Southern Sichuan Provinc——A Case Study of Changxing, Nanxi District of Yibin

    • 摘要: 基于1982年全国第二次土壤普查数据和2008年国家测土配方项目数据,利用SPSS17.0和Arc GIS9.0软件平台对宜宾市南溪区长兴镇耕地土壤pH进行研究.结果表明,长兴镇耕地土壤整体偏酸性,呈北高南低的特点,pH范围在4.2~9.4之间.经过近30年的时间,长兴镇土壤pH已由1982年时的6.8降到2008年的5.9,其中以沙溪庙组紫色砂泥岩下发育的淹育型水稻土下降得最快.


      Abstract: Based on the data from the Second Soil Census in 1982 and the 2008 National Formula Fertilization Project by Soil Testing, a research was made into the spatial and temporal change of soil pH in Changxing, Nanxi, City of Yibin, using the SPSS17.0 and ArcGIS9.0 software. The results showed that the soil of Changxing was generally acidic, which was more acidic in the north while less acidic in the south. The farmland soil pH ranged from 4.2 to 9.4. Over a period of nearly 30 years, the soil pH reduced from 6.8 to 5.9 with a sharpest decrease detected in the submerged paddy soil which was developed in purple sand shale, from the Shaxi Temple Group.


