高宁, 曾玉祥, 朱俐, 张红扬. 预防腐败校地合作共建的理论与实践研究——以内江师范学院为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 109-112.
    引用本文: 高宁, 曾玉祥, 朱俐, 张红扬. 预防腐败校地合作共建的理论与实践研究——以内江师范学院为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 109-112.
    GAO Ning, ZENG Yuxiang, ZHU Li, ZHANG Hongyang. A Study of the Theory and Practice on Corruption Prevention Modes of Cooperation between Universities and Local Authorities:A Case Study of Neijiang Normal University[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 109-112.
    Citation: GAO Ning, ZENG Yuxiang, ZHU Li, ZHANG Hongyang. A Study of the Theory and Practice on Corruption Prevention Modes of Cooperation between Universities and Local Authorities:A Case Study of Neijiang Normal University[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 109-112.


    A Study of the Theory and Practice on Corruption Prevention Modes of Cooperation between Universities and Local Authorities:A Case Study of Neijiang Normal University

    • 摘要: 预防和惩治腐败的成败关系到国家民族兴亡。高校与地方部门合作共建,搭建廉政建设与反腐倡廉工作平台,能有效整合地方纪检监察部门的实践资源与高校的学科理论研究优势,充分发挥一加一大于二的效应。预防腐败校地合作共建还能助推高校自身廉政文化建设,促进教育事业健康发展和科研理论成果转化,为地方经济社会建设和发展提供良好的智力支持和人才支撑


      Abstract: The prevention and punishment of corruption bears on the rise and fall of a nation. The cooperation between universities and local governments to construct platforms to fight against corruption can effectively integrate practical experience of local discipline inspection departments and the theoretical researches of universities. And hence we can have the effect that one plus one is over two. Further, such cooperation can drive forward the universities’ anti-corruption, the healthy development of education and the transformation of achievements of scientific research into productive force to provide the best intellectual and personnel support for the economic development locally.


