张准, 黄英. 辛亥革命之南北和平统一简析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 105-108.
    引用本文: 张准, 黄英. 辛亥革命之南北和平统一简析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 105-108.
    ZHANG Zhun, HUANG Ying. A Brief Analysis of Peaceful Unification of China in 1911 Revolution[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 105-108.
    Citation: ZHANG Zhun, HUANG Ying. A Brief Analysis of Peaceful Unification of China in 1911 Revolution[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 105-108.


    A Brief Analysis of Peaceful Unification of China in 1911 Revolution

    • 摘要: 武昌起义爆发后,南方各省纷纷独立,中国陷入南北分裂状态。在历史的关键时刻,以孙中山为代表的革命党人秉承“天下为公”“博爱”的思想,做出巨大的让步和妥协。最终,在南北双方政治家的大智慧下,清帝退位,国家和平统一。实力是和平统一的基础,政治家的大智慧是和平统一的前提,“天下为公”的宗旨和“博爱”的胸怀是和平统一的重要条件。


      Abstract: After the outbreak of Wuchang Revolt, provinces of South China declared their independence one after another. This made China split into North and South. At this critical time, the revolutionaries with SUN Zhong-shan as a representative stuck to the principle of the whole world as one community and the thought of fraternity, and made great concession and compromise. Finally, under great effort of statesmen with great wisdom of both South and North China, emperor of Qing Dynasty declared to give up the throne and the nation was unified peacefully. For the peaceful unification, the actual strength was the foundation, the wisdom of statesmen was the premise, and the tenet “the whole world as one community” and fraternal thought were the important condition


