杨洁. 齐鲁地域文化对元代水浒戏之影响述考[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 86-90.
    引用本文: 杨洁. 齐鲁地域文化对元代水浒戏之影响述考[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 86-90.
    YANG Jie. A Study of Shandong Local Culture on Dramas concerning Outlaws of Marsh in Yuan Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 86-90.
    Citation: YANG Jie. A Study of Shandong Local Culture on Dramas concerning Outlaws of Marsh in Yuan Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 86-90.


    A Study of Shandong Local Culture on Dramas concerning Outlaws of Marsh in Yuan Dynasty

    • 摘要: 齐鲁地区是水浒故事的重要发生地,水浒旧事流传甚广,为水浒戏的产生提供了丰富的题材基础;崇尚仁义礼智的齐鲁地域文化影响形成了水浒戏勇武报不平、主持正义的主题倾向;东平等运河之沿岸经济的繁荣为水浒戏提供了创作演出的现实需要和土壤。由此产生了众多水浒戏作家和作品,使元代山东地区成为水浒戏创作和演出的中心之一。齐鲁文化为水浒戏的创作和繁荣提供了重要的基础和凭借,也对其风貌产生了巨大影响


      Abstract: Shandong is the important place in which stories of outlaws of marsh took place. The vast spreading of such stories provided the abundant subjects for dramas concerning these outlaws of marsh. Under the influence of the local culture which highly valued kindness, righteousness, rites and wisdom, the figures in such dramas tended to fight against the unfair and for the justice. The prosperous economy of the canal areas like Dongping made it possible realistically for creation and performance of the dramas and supplied the soil for their growth. On such basis, there appeared a lot of authors and dramas. Thus Shandong became one of the centers of creation and performance of dramas concerning outlaws of marsh in Yuan Dynasty. The Shandong culture laid an important foundation for the creation and prosperity of such dramas and exerted great influence on them as well.


