茶志高, 温燎原. 《续说郛》作者陶珽生平事迹辑考[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 81-85.
    引用本文: 茶志高, 温燎原. 《续说郛》作者陶珽生平事迹辑考[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 81-85.
    CHA Zhigao, WEN Liaoyuan. A Probe into the Life Stories of the Author TAO Ting of Continued Tales of Fu[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 81-85.
    Citation: CHA Zhigao, WEN Liaoyuan. A Probe into the Life Stories of the Author TAO Ting of Continued Tales of Fu[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 81-85.


    A Probe into the Life Stories of the Author TAO Ting of Continued Tales of Fu

    • 摘要: 对于陶珽的字号,历来各种典籍记载混乱,虽曾有学者已指订,学界却仍沿袭旧说,兹予以补充订正。陶珽生活于明末清初,因其诗文集不传,故有关其生平事迹及诗文创作情形仍语焉不详、支离残缺,今据相关方志及时人文集行状等文献,详加勾勒,以期对陶珽有较为深入的了解


      Abstract: The historical records of TAO Ting’s other names have long been in chaos. Though some scholars once made some corrections, the academic circle has followed the original view. And hence this paper is aimed at such correction. TAO lived in late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. Because his poem or prose collections failed to be handed down, what we know about his life story and creation is not so clear and complete. According to relevant chorography and literature concerning some literati of his time, the author of this paper has outlined what most people have not known about him.


