朱存红. 王鹏运家世考论[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 74-80.
    引用本文: 朱存红. 王鹏运家世考论[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 74-80.
    ZHU Cunhong. A Survey of WANG Peng-yun’ Family[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 74-80.
    Citation: ZHU Cunhong. A Survey of WANG Peng-yun’ Family[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 74-80.


    A Survey of WANG Peng-yun’ Family

    • 摘要: 临桂王氏家族自始祖王云飞迁桂,至王鹏运已历五世。王云飞以下其子王会、其孙王诚立二代因家贫等原因无力返乡参加科举考试,故未曾出仕,至王必达一代始以临桂县籍应试,一门科第鼎盛。其中王必达中举后,因军功以出仕,官至兵备道。王鹏运之父必达有诗集传世,其诗歌创作成就颇高,王必达的言传身教对王鹏运的人生有较大影响。


      Abstract: The family Wang in Lingui had undergone five generations to WANG Peng-yun since their ancestor WANG Yun-fei migrated to Guangxi. WANG Yun-fei’s son WANG Hui and his grand son WANG Cheng-li failed to become officials because they had not returned to their home to attend imperial examination due to of financial difficulties. To the generation WANG Bi-da, they began to attend the examination as one from Lingui and the family became prosperous. After WANG Bi-da passed the provincial examination, he became an official for his military exploits and at last a high-rank officer. WANG Peng-yun’s father, WANG Bi-da, had made high achievements in poems and he left the world a poem collection. This had exerted great influence on WANG peng-yun’s life.


