杜刚. 清代女诗人郭芬创作研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 66-70.
    引用本文: 杜刚. 清代女诗人郭芬创作研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 66-70.
    DU Gang. A Study of Poetess GUO Fen’s Creation in Qing Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 66-70.
    Citation: DU Gang. A Study of Poetess GUO Fen’s Creation in Qing Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 66-70.


    A Study of Poetess GUO Fen’s Creation in Qing Dynasty

    • 摘要: 清代女诗人郭芬,其诗作通过闺阁生活的叙写、离愁别绪的抒发、敏锐的艺术感触体现出鲜明的女性风貌;而其对男性诗作的模仿借鉴,对国计民生的关怀、对人情世态的讥刺劝讽,又体现出其对闺阁藩篱的超越。其诗歌创作背后,折射着清代女性作家共有的生存状态:个人成就呈现鲜明家族文化特征、创作力求视野拓展和风格突破、创作深受男性作品范本及诗学标准影响等


      Abstract: GUO Fen was a poetess in Qing Dynasty. And her poems described her harem’s life and expressed the sadness for departure. The sensitive artistic feelings showed the striking feminine features of her poems. Her imitations of males’ poems, her care for national welfare and the people’s livelihood, and the irony of the ways of world, all surpassed the bridle of the harem. Her creation of poems reflected the existent situation of all other poetess in Qing Dynasty: personal achievement characterized with striking family culture, creation in pursuit of expansion of horizon and breakthrough of styles, deep influence by male poets and poetic norms.


