张树俊. 王艮率性思想研究初步[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 37-39.
    引用本文: 张树俊. 王艮率性思想研究初步[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 37-39.
    ZHANG Shujun. A Brief Study of WANG Gen’s Frankness Thoughts[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 37-39.
    Citation: ZHANG Shujun. A Brief Study of WANG Gen’s Frankness Thoughts[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 37-39.


    A Brief Study of WANG Gen’s Frankness Thoughts

    • 摘要: 泰州学派创始人、明代平民哲学家王艮,以自然为宗,坚持以身为本,提出了极具启蒙性质的率性思想。王艮认为,率性就要听其自然,顺从人心;率性强调主体精神;率性必须“知止”、“知本”,做到“止于至善”;率性应保持“中”的状态,力求以“中”致“和”。王艮的率性思想突出了人在天地万物中的主体地位,也体现了极强的自主精神和超越精神,这也是王艮整个思想体系中突出的创新理论之一。


      Abstract: WANG Gen, founder of Taizhou School and civilian philosopher of Ming Dynasty, proposed the enlightening frankness thought with nature as principal aim and human as orientation. He thought that frankness required us to be obedient to nature and people’s wills. Frankness stressed subjectivity and a frank man must know to stop at a proper time and place, and must know his orientation and know to stop at perfection. Such frankness should keep mean in order to reach harmony. His frankness thought highlighted the human subjective status of the world, and showed extremely the autonomous and surpassing spirit, which is the innovative theories of his thought system.


