周芳利. 张大千早中期负面评价论析——以“道德”、“技法”、“商业化”三个关键词为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 30-34.
    引用本文: 周芳利. 张大千早中期负面评价论析——以“道德”、“技法”、“商业化”三个关键词为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 30-34.
    ZHOU Fangli. On Negative Evaluation of ZHANG Da-qian in His Early and Middle Ages: A Case Study of Three Key Words Morality, Technique and Commercialization[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 30-34.
    Citation: ZHOU Fangli. On Negative Evaluation of ZHANG Da-qian in His Early and Middle Ages: A Case Study of Three Key Words Morality, Technique and Commercialization[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 30-34.


    On Negative Evaluation of ZHANG Da-qian in His Early and Middle Ages: A Case Study of Three Key Words Morality, Technique and Commercialization

    • 摘要: 张大千在道德层面上注重文人“奇士”形象的自我塑造,绘画技法上追求视觉因素的综合运用,对商业力量操作熟稔。这些不同于传统文人画家形象塑造的“另类”做法,遭到了以京派画家为首的、持传统保守审美风尚的画家们的抵触乃至反对。张大千是一个具有高度综合性的传奇式人物,对张大千的评价应避免非褒即贬的简单化思维。


      Abstract: At the moral level, ZHANG Da-qian stressed the self portrait of literary men and different people. In terms of painting techniques, he sought for the comprehensive employment of visual factors. And he was good at making use of commercial forces as well. All these were quite different from what the traditional literary men and painters portrayed and were opposed by painters of Beijing School who held the traditional aesthetic fashion. ZHANG was a figure of legend with high integrity. And the evaluation on him should avoid the two extremes simply: complimentary or derogatory.


