包立民. 张大千丁巳(1917年)拜师新证[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 18-22.
    引用本文: 包立民. 张大千丁巳(1917年)拜师新证[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (1): 18-22.
    BAO Limin. New Proofs for ZHANG Da-qian’s Apprenticeship in 1917[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 18-22.
    Citation: BAO Limin. New Proofs for ZHANG Da-qian’s Apprenticeship in 1917[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (1): 18-22.


    New Proofs for ZHANG Da-qian’s Apprenticeship in 1917

    • 摘要: 对于一位有国际影响的艺术大家来说,拜师是件大事。张大千拜书坛名家曾熙、李瑞清为师,历来认定为己未(1919)年,地点在上海。由张大千六朝铜镜拓片跋文及清道人丁巳五言联以及《曾农髯年谱长编》中有关张爰丁巳拜师的诗文等物证,可推知张大千实乃丁巳(1917)拜师。张氏自述的“二十岁从日本归国,拜曾熙门下学字”或是因晚年记忆误差所致。


      Abstract: To an art master with international influence, apprenticeship is an important event. ZHANG Da-qian took famous calligraphers ZENG Xi and LI Rui-qing as his teachers. This has long been considered to in 1919 in Shanghai. From ZHANG’s postscript of bronze mirror rubbings, LI Rui-qing’s poems and other relevant literature, we can infer that it was in 1917 that ZHANG became pupils of the above two calligraphers. ZHANG’s narration that he returned from Japan and took ZENG Xi as his teacher when he was 20 years is not correct due to his wrong memory in his late years.


