林宏, 徐徐. 大学生参与体育旅游现状及对策——以四川丘陵地区部分高校为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (12): 113-116.
    引用本文: 林宏, 徐徐. 大学生参与体育旅游现状及对策——以四川丘陵地区部分高校为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (12): 113-116.
    LIN Hong, XU Xu. Current Situationof Sport Tourism among College Students and Countermeasures ——A Case Study of Some Institutes of Higher Learning in Rolling Country of Sichuan[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (12): 113-116.
    Citation: LIN Hong, XU Xu. Current Situationof Sport Tourism among College Students and Countermeasures ——A Case Study of Some Institutes of Higher Learning in Rolling Country of Sichuan[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (12): 113-116.


    Current Situationof Sport Tourism among College Students and Countermeasures ——A Case Study of Some Institutes of Higher Learning in Rolling Country of Sichuan

    • 摘要: 采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计、实地考察等方法,对四川丘陵地区部分高校大学生参与体育旅游的方式、认知、动机、需求、经历、消费及影响因素等方面进行实质性调查、分析和研究,了解大学生参与体育旅游现状并探讨其对策,激励高校大学生积极参与体育旅游活动的热情,促进大学生体育旅游市场健康、有序、和谐发展.


      Abstract: By means of literature review, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and on-the-spot investigations, an empirical survey, analysis and research are made into college students’ participation in sport tourism in aspects of ways of participation, recognition, motive, demand, experience, consumption and the influencing factors so as to get familiar with the status quo and further put forth relevant countermeasures, and thus students could be motivated to play an active part in sport tourism and prompt the healthy, orderly and harmonious development of the sport tourism market.


