On the Construction of the Evaluative Indices System for Middle School Geography Classroom Teaching
摘要: 在应试教育的影响下,现今的中学地理课堂教学缺乏一种有效的能体现素质教育要求的评价体系,为此,根据教育教学规律, 在提出中学地理课堂教学评价指标体系的设计原则的基础上,采用问卷调查和专家系统法进行中学地理课堂教学评价指标的筛选,并运用主成分分析法,通过实际案例对指标体系进行验证,得到了14个二级指标的中学地理课堂教学评价体系,期望能规范中学地理教师的课堂教学行为,提高课堂教学效率,贯彻素质教育基本理念.Abstract: In the context of test-oriented education, an efficient evaluation system which can well embody the requirements of quality education is still nowhere in sight for middle school geography classroom teaching. Therefore, in accordance with the education laws and based on the proposed overall principles guiding the design of the geography classroom teaching evaluation indices system, by means of questionnaires and the expert system approach, the classroom teaching evaluation indices were evaluated and carefully selected; then by use of principal component analysis and practical cases, the proposed indices system is tested and verified, which helps find a 14-index evaluation system for geography classroom teaching in hope of standardizing the teaching acts and enhancing teaching efficiency and reinforcing the awareness of quality education.