冯丽明, 翁小芳, 王兴波, 马玲. 湖北民族学院女生主要心理压力源及应对现状调查[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (12): 89-92.
    引用本文: 冯丽明, 翁小芳, 王兴波, 马玲. 湖北民族学院女生主要心理压力源及应对现状调查[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (12): 89-92.
    FENG Li-ming, WENG Xiao-fang, WANG Xing-bo, MA Ling. Investigation of the Source of Mental Stress among Female Students in Hubei University for Nationalities[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (12): 89-92.
    Citation: FENG Li-ming, WENG Xiao-fang, WANG Xing-bo, MA Ling. Investigation of the Source of Mental Stress among Female Students in Hubei University for Nationalities[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (12): 89-92.


    Investigation of the Source of Mental Stress among Female Students in Hubei University for Nationalities

    • 摘要: 运用樊富珉编制的大学生心理压力调查表对湖北民族学院女生的心理压力源和应对方式进行调查研究.结果表明:(1)大学女生承受着较大的心理压力.(2)造成女生心理压力的因素依次是自我发展与择业问题、学习问题、人际交往问题.(3)大学女生面对压力时自己解决是主要策略.体育系女生采取此方式的比例高于普通女生.(4)遇到心理压力时,女生最先求助的对象是同学和朋友,求助最少的对象是心理咨询员、班主任和辅导员.


      Abstract: By use of Undergraduate Psychological Stress Inventory designed by Fan Fumin, female students in Hubei University for Nationalities were tested for their psychological stress and coping strategies. The results showed that: (1)Undergraduate female students are in great psychological stress.(2)The stress are mainly from self-development, the choice of career, academic issues and interpersonal communication.(3)when faced with psychological stress, the principal strategy is the do-it-oneself strategy with a higher percentage of PE-majored female students taking this strategy. (4) In the face of stress, female students tend to turn to classmates, close friends, least to psychological consultants, head teachers or counselors.


