刘晓敏. 我国对日软件承包深度发展的影响因素分析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (12): 85-88.
    引用本文: 刘晓敏. 我国对日软件承包深度发展的影响因素分析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (12): 85-88.
    LIU Xiao-min. Influencing Factors Analysis of In-depth Development Japanese Software Contracting[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (12): 85-88.
    Citation: LIU Xiao-min. Influencing Factors Analysis of In-depth Development Japanese Software Contracting[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (12): 85-88.


    Influencing Factors Analysis of In-depth Development Japanese Software Contracting

    • 摘要: 对日软件外包业务能够给承包方带来大量利润.因此,来自中国、印度为首的国家的承包企业越来越多,使得对日软件承包市场竞争加剧.通过分析服务外包发包商选择函数的14个深度发展影响因素,发现人力资源储备不足、行业成熟度低、相关法律法规不完善、税收及企业规模和财务能力有待提高、管理能力低等五个制约对日软件外包行业深度发展的因素,并提出相应对策,以期对我国对日软件承包产业健康发展提供有价值的参考依据.


      Abstract: Due to the high profit and various benefits to both in terms of the parties awarding the contract and their contractors, an increasing number of Japanese enterprises and their contractors get involved in the software contract. As the main competitive contractors of the Japanese software enterprises, the contracting enterprises between China and India have to face the increasingly cut-throat competition. This research analyzes 14 depth-development influencing factors of the selection functions of the service outsourcers, the result of which shows that under-reserve of human resource, low level of industry maturity, lack of relevant legislations and regulations, and low managerial levels are the four major influencing factors in the competition of gaining the outsourcing contract offered by Japanese enterprises. Based on the analysis, the author also puts forth several countermeasures, in hope of throwing some light on the healthy development of the said industry.


