刘玉琼, 谭安富, 曾玉祥, 曹宇. 农村留守人口与建设现代农业的矛盾与对策[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (12): 75-80.
    引用本文: 刘玉琼, 谭安富, 曾玉祥, 曹宇. 农村留守人口与建设现代农业的矛盾与对策[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (12): 75-80.
    LIU Yu-qiong, TAN An-fu, ZENG Yu-xiang, CAO Yu. Rural Left-behind Population and Construction of Modern Agriculture[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (12): 75-80.
    Citation: LIU Yu-qiong, TAN An-fu, ZENG Yu-xiang, CAO Yu. Rural Left-behind Population and Construction of Modern Agriculture[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (12): 75-80.


    Rural Left-behind Population and Construction of Modern Agriculture

    • 摘要: 建设现代农业是党的十六大以来的一贯要求.农村留守人口是农业的主力军,其在数量、结构、素质、投入等方面存在的问题与现代农业的规模化、专业化、标准化、集约化相矛盾.应用现代物质条件装备农业、现代科学技术改造农业、现代产业体系提升农业、现代经营方式推进农业、现代发展理念引领农业、培养新型农民发展农业等办法,推进现代农业建设,从根本上缓解农村留守人口与建设现代农业的矛盾.


      Abstract: The construction of modern agriculture is the consistent requirements from 16th CPC. Rural left-behind population, whose quantity, distribution, structure, quality, investment of efforts are all in need of improvement, have pose serious challenges to the scale development, industrialization, modernization and intensive development of modern agriculture. To equip agriculture with modern material conditions, to reform agriculture with modern science and technologies, to enhance agriculture through modern industrial structure, to prompt it with modern management, to employ modern development theory to guide the agricultural development and to cultivate new farmers to develop agriculture are among the methods to fundamentally relieve the conflicts between rural left-behind population and the modern agriculture construction.


