晏林波, 周材权, 袁施彬, 黄泓升, 罗丹, 向明, 周明强. 南充市同域分布的白腰文鸟白颊噪鹛和白头鹎巢和巢材比较研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (12): 43-47.
    引用本文: 晏林波, 周材权, 袁施彬, 黄泓升, 罗丹, 向明, 周明强. 南充市同域分布的白腰文鸟白颊噪鹛和白头鹎巢和巢材比较研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (12): 43-47.
    YAN Lin bo, ZHOU Cai quan, YUAN Shi bin, HUANG Hong sheng, LUO Dan, XIANG Ming, ZHOU Ming qiang. A Comparative Study of the Nest and Nest Materials for Lonchura striata,arrulax sannio and pycnonotus sinensis in Sympatric Distribution in Nanchong[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (12): 43-47.
    Citation: YAN Lin bo, ZHOU Cai quan, YUAN Shi bin, HUANG Hong sheng, LUO Dan, XIANG Ming, ZHOU Ming qiang. A Comparative Study of the Nest and Nest Materials for Lonchura striata,arrulax sannio and pycnonotus sinensis in Sympatric Distribution in Nanchong[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (12): 43-47.


    A Comparative Study of the Nest and Nest Materials for Lonchura striata,arrulax sannio and pycnonotus sinensis in Sympatric Distribution in Nanchong

    • 摘要: 2011年2-9月对四川省南充市西山风景区人工林白腰文鸟、白颊噪鹛和白头鹎3种同域分布鸟类鸟巢及巢材进行了相关研究.结果表明:在该研究区域内,3种鸟的总营巢数为19个.鸟巢参数测量结果显示,3种鸟巢离地高、巢干重、外长半径、外短半径、内短半径之间的差异不显著,巢深、巢高2种指标在白腰文鸟和另2种鸟巢之间存在的差异达到极显著水平,而内长半径的极显著性差异出现在白腰文鸟和白颊噪鹛两种鸟之间;3种鸟巢均可明显分为3层,固定层、沥水层和调温层;3种鸟的巢材选择较为广泛,白腰文鸟、白颊噪鹛和白头鹎巢材选择种类依次为16种、27种和25种,分属禾本科、莎草科、樟科、桑科、十字花科、柏科、苔藓植物门石竹亚纲、苋科、葡萄科、木犀科、芸香科、蓼科和豆科植物.其中:3种鸟共同选择的巢材有白茅、凤尾竹叶、荩草、天竺桂树叶、矛叶荩草、小叶榕气生根、蔊菜、侧柏、构树叶、葎草、慈竹叶和密序野古草等12种植物;白腰文鸟、白颊噪鹛和白头鹎各自选择最多的巢材依次是小糠草、枇杷树叶和荩草,占其各自干重的比例为43.68%、13.98%和14.05%.


      Abstract: Through February to September, 2011, relevant studies were conducted into the nest and nest materials of the three birds of sympatric distribution, the Lonchura striata, Garrulax sannio and Pycnonotus sinensis, in planted forest of Nanchong Xishan Scenic Spot. In the studied area, the nests for the three kinds of bird are 19 in total. The nest data detected indicate that no significant difference is found in the parameters of the height of the nest above the ground, the dry weight of the nest, the outer long radius, the outer short radius, the inner short radius between the three kinds of bird; yet extra significance is observed in parameters like the depth of nest and the height of nest between Lonchura striata and its other two peers, while extra significance is found between the Lonchura striata and Garrulax sannio in the parameter of the inner long radius; the three kinds of nest can obviously be divided into three layers: the fixed layer, the water proof layer and the temperature control layer; the nest materials were found relatively diversified: the number of material used for nests is 16, 27, and 25 for Lonchura striata, Garrulax sannio and Pycnonotus sinensis respectively, which belongs to the family of Gramineae, sedge, Lauraceae, Moraceae, etc. Of which there are 12 plants the three birds have in common in their choice of nest materials, such as the cogongrass, fernleaf hedge bamboo leaf and so on; the top three materials the three birds use for nest are fiorin, loquat leaf and hispid arthraxon in turn, accounting for 43.68%, 13.98% and 14.05% of the dry weight of their nest respectively.


