梁永怀. 论我国劳动者权益保护机制的构建[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (11): 103-107.
    引用本文: 梁永怀. 论我国劳动者权益保护机制的构建[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (11): 103-107.
    LIANG Yonghuai. On Construction of Protection Mechanism of Chinese Laborers’ Rights and Interests[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (11): 103-107.
    Citation: LIANG Yonghuai. On Construction of Protection Mechanism of Chinese Laborers’ Rights and Interests[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (11): 103-107.


    On Construction of Protection Mechanism of Chinese Laborers’ Rights and Interests

    • 摘要: 我国已初步建立了较为完备的劳动法律体系,劳动者合法权益的保护有了基本的保证。但当下侵害劳动者权益的情形时有发生,影响劳动者权益保护的因素也是多方面的,既有经济全球化格局、劳动力市场供过于求以及供需结构性矛盾的影响,同时也与政府监管不力和企业社会责任的缺失以及工会组织功能弱化相关。为了更好地保护劳动者的合法权益,在现有的法律法规的基础上必须整合、完善相关制度和机制,构建包括事前预防、事中协调和事后救济于一体的长效保护机制


      Abstract: We have established relatively perfect system of labor laws which initially guarantee the legal rights and interests of laborers. However, aggression upon laborers’ rights occurs from time to time. And there are many factors that affect laborers’ right protection. They may be either the influence of globalization, surplus laborers and conflict between supply and demand or lack of supervision from government and of social responsibility of enterprises and weakness in organization of workers’ union. To protect better the legal rights and interests of laborers, on the basis of current laws and rules, we should integrate and perfect relevant system and mechanism, and construct the long term protection mechanism including prevention, coordination and relief.


