On Textual Analysis in Constitutional Interpretation
摘要: 文本分析方法是宪法解释方法中比较常用的方法之一。宪法文本分析, 是指以对宪法条文的文字和词组为基础,结合宪法条文的上下文,对宪法条文的字义作极其狭隘的、准确的解释。本文从宪法文本分析的概念和特点、宪法文本的价值、如何进行宪法文本分析三个方面作了必要的分析。Abstract: The textual analysis is one of the most often used methods in constitutional interpretation. The constitutional textual analysis refers to the narrow and exact interpretation of constitutional items on basis of words of constitution and the context. This paper has made an analysis on concept and features of textual analysis, value of constitutional text and ways of constitutional textual analysis.