LI Shu-jie1, XU Zhu-lin2
摘要: 中晚唐民生诗虽质木无文、朴实无华,但意境深邃、独树一帜,具有不寻常的价值取向。其价值取向主要体现在:观照生存现状,怜悯民众疾苦;揭露黑暗现实,抨击腐朽时政;实录历史画卷,风格简朴厚重;对比言近旨远,讽刺入木三分等。Abstract: The poems concerning people’s livelihood in middle and late Tang Dynasty are quite plain, but very profound in their content. So they are unique in style and have abnormal values which lie in the following: sympathy for people’s suffering, exposition of social darkness and criticism of corruption, real record of history in simple style, profound comparison and poignant sarcasm.