金幼文. 从《金瓶梅》看古代婢女的婚姻状态金幼文[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (11): 21-24.
    引用本文: 金幼文. 从《金瓶梅》看古代婢女的婚姻状态金幼文[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (11): 21-24.
    JIN Youwen. On Maidservants’ Marriages in Ancient China from a perspective Ching Ping-mei[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (11): 21-24.
    Citation: JIN Youwen. On Maidservants’ Marriages in Ancient China from a perspective Ching Ping-mei[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (11): 21-24.


    On Maidservants’ Marriages in Ancient China from a perspective Ching Ping-mei

    • 摘要: 《金瓶梅》以写实的笔法,塑造了一批丫鬟形象,揭示了她们的悲剧命运,同时还在一定程度上反映了她们的婚姻状况。婢女被视为主人的私有财产,主人可以随意奸占,同时其婚配也完全由家主决定,即使被收为妾也不能彻底改变自己的地位。由于正常的婚配权得不到满足,婢女心存不满,往往会借出轨行为来满足自己的欲望。随着婢女买卖的合法化,婢女的生存环境更加恶化,她们的婚配更加困难。


      Abstract: With its realistic description, Ching Ping-mei has shaped a batch of images of maidservants and revealed their tragic fate as well as their marital status to some degree. And maidservants were considered as the properties of their masters who could rape them whenever or wherever they liked. Meanwhile, their marriages were completely determined by their masters. Even if they were adopted as their concubines, they could not change their status. Because their marriages could not be satisfied, these maidservants would be full of resent and hence they had love affairs stealthily to satisfy their lusts. With the legalization of trade of maidservants, their living conditions got even worse and their marriages became more difficult.


