郑铁生. 胡适与《红楼梦》程乙本[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (11): 11-17.
    引用本文: 郑铁生. 胡适与《红楼梦》程乙本[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (11): 11-17.
    ZHENG Tiesheng. HU Shi and A Dream of Red Mansions of CHENG Wei-yuan’s Version B[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (11): 11-17.
    Citation: ZHENG Tiesheng. HU Shi and A Dream of Red Mansions of CHENG Wei-yuan’s Version B[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (11): 11-17.


    HU Shi and A Dream of Red Mansions of CHENG Wei-yuan’s Version B

    • 摘要: 胡适一生重视《程乙本》的出版和发行,促使其成为流行时间最长、读者面最广的《红楼梦》普及本。一、他认为“程乙本”同乾隆年间的脂评本一样,都是《红楼梦》版本的不同形态。二、他晚年用庚辰本、戚序本与“程乙本”相比对,得出的结论是“程乙本”是最适合广大读者阅读的普及版。三、胡适一直认为《红楼梦》后四十回是“高鹗续书”,但从来也没有贬低、排斥后四十回,相反却把周汝昌彻底否定《红楼梦》后四十回斥之为“妄说”


      Abstract: HU Shi had devoted himself to the publication and distribution of A Dream of Red Mansions of CHENG Wei-yuan’s version B and made it the most popular version with the largest amount of readers. He thought this version and the Zhiyanzhai edition were the different forms of the same novel A Dream of Red Mansions. And he compared different versions of Genshen, Qixu and CHENG’s in his late years and found that the CHENG’s version was the most popular one. He had considered the last forty chapters of the novel had been written by GAO E but had never depreciated and excluded them. Instead, he took ZHOU Ru-chang’s complete negation of them as nonsense.


