钟仕伦. 内外相感:《文选》“物色”赋发微[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (11): 1-7.
    引用本文: 钟仕伦. 内外相感:《文选》“物色”赋发微[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (11): 1-7.
    ZHONG Shilun. Mutual Response between Inside and Outside Texts: A Brief Study of Wuse (Appearance) in A Collection of Literary Works[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (11): 1-7.
    Citation: ZHONG Shilun. Mutual Response between Inside and Outside Texts: A Brief Study of Wuse (Appearance) in A Collection of Literary Works[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (11): 1-7.


    Mutual Response between Inside and Outside Texts: A Brief Study of Wuse (Appearance) in A Collection of Literary Works

    • 摘要: “物色”一词原指“天色”、“形状”和“声色”。随着佛教的传入,与不少受佛教思想影响的概念的转化一样,“物色”一词原有的“天色”、“形状”和“声色”的涵义转化成客观事物的外境与人的内在感情色彩的相互融合,成为对客观事物的感性认识,或者说是一种“境界”。《文选》“物色”赋单列一目,不独体现了“物色”的新义,而且集中反映了晋宋文人的自然审美观念,代表了从“假称珍怪,以为润色”的汉大赋到“假托真人,以为己情”的六朝抒情赋的转变。


      Abstract: The word “wuse” originally referred to color of sky, shape, sound and color. With the introduction of Buddhism into China, like the transformation of many other concepts deeply influenced by it, the wuse’s original meanings had changed to the mutual fusion between objective external environment and people’s internal feelings, that is, the perceptual knowledge of the objective world, or a kind of state. And the poems concerning the word wuse are listed in a catalog in A Collection of Literary Works, which has shown the new meanings of the word as well as the aesthetics of literati of Jin and Song Dynasties. This stood for the change from poetry of Han Dynasty which stressed the grandeur and modification to the one of Six Dynasties which highlighted the feeling expression.


