苟远萍, 胡志金. 多维心导能力: 新课程背景下小学班主任的一种新型能力[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (9): 107-110.
    引用本文: 苟远萍, 胡志金. 多维心导能力: 新课程背景下小学班主任的一种新型能力[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (9): 107-110.
    GOU Yuan ping, HU Zhi jin. Multi-dimensional Psychological Guidance: A New Ability of Primary Class Teachers under the Background of New Curriculum[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (9): 107-110.
    Citation: GOU Yuan ping, HU Zhi jin. Multi-dimensional Psychological Guidance: A New Ability of Primary Class Teachers under the Background of New Curriculum[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (9): 107-110.

    多维心导能力: 新课程背景下小学班主任的一种新型能力

    Multi-dimensional Psychological Guidance: A New Ability of Primary Class Teachers under the Background of New Curriculum

    • 摘要: 针对新课程背景下的德育新要求,小学班主任急需培养一种新型能力,即多维心导能力。多维心导能力,是班主任面对班级学生从心理上所进行的教导、引导、疏导、构导和控导等多种能力,它体现了以“心”为根、以“生”为本、以“学”为中心、以建构为导向等德育新理念,并在班级教育实践中具有一定的可操作性。


      Abstract: According to the new demand of moral education under the background of new curriculum, primary class teachers need to be trained a new kind of ability: multi dimensional psychological guidance. Such guidance includes more abilities than one: instruction, direction, persuasion, constructive dredging and self-control which class teachers face and take up psychologically. Such ability shows that the new moral conceptions of psychology as the root, students as orientation, learning as the center and construction as theguidance. And it is operable to some extent in educational practice in class management.


