罗超. 高校国有资产管理存在的问题与对策分析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (9): 96-98.
    引用本文: 罗超. 高校国有资产管理存在的问题与对策分析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (9): 96-98.
    LUO Chao. An Analysis of Problems in Management of National Assets at Universities and Their Coping Strategies[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (9): 96-98.
    Citation: LUO Chao. An Analysis of Problems in Management of National Assets at Universities and Their Coping Strategies[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (9): 96-98.


    An Analysis of Problems in Management of National Assets at Universities and Their Coping Strategies

    • 摘要: 高校国有资产是发展高等教育、提高办学水平的物质基础。我国高校国有资产管理还存在制度不完善,认识不够,程序混乱、账实不符,利用率低下,信息化建设滞后以及缺乏绩效评价体系等问题。为了防止国有资产流失,确保国有资产的保值、增值,应采取一定的有效措施进行补位,以保障高等教育事业的又好又快发展。


      Abstract: National assets at universities are the material foundation for the development of higher education and improvement of university running. There exist problems in the management of national assets at universities like imperfect system, inadequate recognition, chaos in procedure, inconsistency between accounts and facts, lagging behind of information construction and lack of achievement evaluation system. To prevent the drainage national assets and keep and increase the value of national assets, we should take effective measures to fill the vacancy in order to guarantee the good and healthy development of higher education.


