章志图. 论我国反就业歧视的法律制度构建[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (9): 68-71.
    引用本文: 章志图. 论我国反就业歧视的法律制度构建[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (9): 68-71.
    ZHANG Zhi tu. On Construction of Legal System against Discrimination in Employment[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (9): 68-71.
    Citation: ZHANG Zhi tu. On Construction of Legal System against Discrimination in Employment[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (9): 68-71.


    On Construction of Legal System against Discrimination in Employment

    • 摘要: 就业歧视是指用人单位基于劳动者与职业能力和职业内在客观需要不相关的因素,在就业机会或职业待遇上做出任何区别、排斥或优惠从而取消或损害劳动者平等就业权利的行为。我国目前没有专门的反就业歧视法律,现行的有关就业歧视的立法存在重大不足,导致就业歧视难以遏制与禁绝。国家要从对现行法律法规展开违宪审查与清理、制定反就业歧视专门法、建立反就业歧视保障机构三个方面来构建反就业歧视的法律制度。


      Abstract: Employment discrimination refers to any different, exclusive or preferential action that is taken by employers in job hunting or treatment on the basis of factors irrelevant to the professional ability and internal objective demands. However, there is no special law against such discrimination. And there is great weakness in legislation of employment discrimination, which leads to difficulty in total prohibiting the discrimination. Accordingly, our country should construct the anti-discrimination law from three aspects: investigating violation of laws, making special laws against employment discrimination and establishing special organizations against such discrimination.


