刘娟, 卜立进. 论福克纳前后期创作思想的转变[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (9): 37-40.
    引用本文: 刘娟, 卜立进. 论福克纳前后期创作思想的转变[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (9): 37-40.
    LIU Juan, PIAO Li jin. On Change of Faulkner’s Creation Thoughts in His Early and Late Works[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (9): 37-40.
    Citation: LIU Juan, PIAO Li jin. On Change of Faulkner’s Creation Thoughts in His Early and Late Works[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (9): 37-40.


    On Change of Faulkner’s Creation Thoughts in His Early and Late Works

    • 摘要: 评论界一般将20世纪40年代末作为界线,把威廉?福克纳的创作分为前后两期。福克纳前后期小说创作思想经历了三个重要变化:从表现传统价值世界的毁灭到努力重建价值世界的转变,从寄希望于宗教救赎到对人类自身信念的增强,从“写人物”到“写思想”。他在后期创作中表现出更积极、更乐观的人生态度,并表现出向思想性和道德说教发展的倾向。


      Abstract: The critique circles usually take the end of 1940s as the boundary and divide Faulkner’s creation into two phases. His novels of the early phase had undergone three important changes: from expression of destruction of traditional values to the effort in reconstructing a value world, from placing great hope on religious salvation to strengthening his own belief on humans, and from describing figures to describing people’s thoughts. In his late creation, Faulkner became more positive and optimistic, and tended to develop in the direction of ideological content and moral preaching.


