林玉, 刘振宇. 张大千扬名秋英会时间考[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (9): 12-17.
    引用本文: 林玉, 刘振宇. 张大千扬名秋英会时间考[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (9): 12-17.
    LIN Yu, LIU Zhen yu. A Probe into the Time in Which ZHANG Da qian Got Well known in Autumn Elites’Gathering[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (9): 12-17.
    Citation: LIN Yu, LIU Zhen yu. A Probe into the Time in Which ZHANG Da qian Got Well known in Autumn Elites’Gathering[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (9): 12-17.


    A Probe into the Time in Which ZHANG Da qian Got Well known in Autumn Elites’Gathering

    • 摘要: 张大千于1924年扬名秋英会的一段历史因有张大千的口述为证似乎已成定论。然而新发现的《张大千、张善孖、钱瘦铁等合绘秋菊图》显示,秋英会雅集的时间为1928年11月(阴历九月),这与张大千晚年的口述并不吻合。《申报》先后刊登的数篇秋英会雅集的文章《秋英会之宴》、《餐英盛会记》及《秋英会读画记》,以及其他与张大千的口述有抵牾的史事亦证实:张大千扬名秋英会是1928年,并非1924年。


      Abstract: The history narrated by ZHANG Da qian which shows that ZHANG got famous in Autumn Elites’Gathering of 1924 seems to be the final conclusion. However, the newly found A Picture of Chrysanthemum Painted by ZHANG Da qian, ZHANG Shan ma and TIE Shou tie tells that the Autumn Elites’Gathering can be dated back to November (September of Lunar Calendar), 1928, which is not in accordance with what ZHANG once narrated. The articles Banquet of Autumn Elites’Records of Autumn Elites’Gathering and Painting Reading in Autumn Elites’Gathering published on the newspaper Shenbao, and other historical records all contribute to the fact that it was in 1928 instead of 1924 that ZHANG got famous in Autumn Elites Gathering.


