艾小群, 冯守哲, 吴振东. 信息时代下古建筑文化遗产的数字化传承与发展[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 77-79.
    引用本文: 艾小群, 冯守哲, 吴振东. 信息时代下古建筑文化遗产的数字化传承与发展[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 77-79.
    AI Xiao qun, FENG Shouzhe, WU Zhengdong. On the Digital Inheritance and Development of Ancient Building Culture in the Information Time[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 77-79.
    Citation: AI Xiao qun, FENG Shouzhe, WU Zhengdong. On the Digital Inheritance and Development of Ancient Building Culture in the Information Time[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 77-79.


    On the Digital Inheritance and Development of Ancient Building Culture in the Information Time

    • 摘要: 随着信息技术和数字化媒体的兴起与广泛应用,计算机在许多设计学科中不再只是被视为工具,而是进一步成为呈现设计理念与操作方式的媒介。建筑文化遗产的数字化保护与传承综合应用数字媒体技术、计算机信息工程、网络工程等相关科技产生的“虚拟模型”,存在欠缺人文关怀和人与建筑之间的交互性不够等问题。作为全新的数字化传承,要尽可能“真实再现”建筑所蕴涵的艺术、文化信息。作品的“真实性”除了依靠技术手段实现之外,还应该重视如何运用艺术手段来表现。


      Abstract: With the flourishing and extensive application of information technology and digital medium, computers will no longer be treated as only tools but medium for displaying design conceptions and operation ways. However, there exist problems as lack of humanistic care and inadequacy of interaction between human and buildings in the fictitious models of comprehensive application of digital media technology of protection of the cultural heritage and development of buildings, computer information engineering and network engineering. The entirely new digital inheritance should do everything possible to truly show the art and cultural information connoted in buildings. The truth of works can be realized through technical means as well as artistic ones.


