On LU Xiang-shan’s Educational Thought of Learning by Heart
摘要: 陆象山作为一个学派开创者所从事的教育活动及其所彰显的理论特色,值得我们研究和借鉴。他在教育实践中,坚持以“辨志”为先导,以“立心”为根本,以“做人”为归宿,三位一体,相辅相成,比较典型地反映了其心学的个性,以及他为人为师的风格。Abstract: The educational activities and their theoretical features of LU Xiang-shan as a pioneer are worthy of our study and reference. In his educational practice, he stuck to the unification of ambition identification as the premise, virtue setting as orientation, and being a person as an aim. This reflected his features of learning by heart and his style of being a teacher.