白文刚. 社会思潮演变与中国近代史研究范式转换——兼论富强中心观的可能性[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 65-67.
    引用本文: 白文刚. 社会思潮演变与中国近代史研究范式转换——兼论富强中心观的可能性[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 65-67.
    Wen gang. Evolution of Social Ideological Trends and Transformation of Research Paradigms of Modern Chinese History: On Probability of View of Wealth and Power as the Center[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 65-67.
    Citation: Wen gang. Evolution of Social Ideological Trends and Transformation of Research Paradigms of Modern Chinese History: On Probability of View of Wealth and Power as the Center[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 65-67.


    Evolution of Social Ideological Trends and Transformation of Research Paradigms of Modern Chinese History: On Probability of View of Wealth and Power as the Center

    • 摘要: 社会思潮是影响史学范式的一个重要因素,现有的中国近代史研究的两种主要范式都受到了相关社会思潮的影响,在相当程度上是以后人的理论和价值预设去描述和研究历史,正因为如此,在取得巨大成绩的同时,都不可避免地具有局限性。只有真正从历史当事人的思想和行为去寻找历史主题,才有可能更接近历史的真相。依此标准,寻求国家富强是近代中国历史的核心主题,从这一视角出发,我们的研究才可能更接近历史真相。


      Abstract: The social ideological trends are an important factor influencing historical paradigms. The current two research paradigms of modern Chinese history have been influenced by the relevant social ideological trends. And to a large extent, they are used to describe and study history with later generations’ theories and values. Because of this, the striking achievements in historical study will inevitably have some limitations. Only when we take us as people concerned and then study history can we possibly approach to the real historical fact. According to this standard, we can find the core subject of modern Chinese history was to hunger for a wealthy and powerful country.


