焕力. 太平天国妇女教育问题辨[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 61-64.
    引用本文: 焕力. 太平天国妇女教育问题辨[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 61-64.
    HUAN Li. A Probe into Women’ Education in Taiping Heavenly Kingdom[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 61-64.
    Citation: HUAN Li. A Probe into Women’ Education in Taiping Heavenly Kingdom[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 61-64.


    A Probe into Women’ Education in Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

    • 摘要: 提倡男女平等,致力于妇女教育,历来被认为是太平天国运动妇女解放的重要内容。那么,太平天国是否实施了妇女教育?太平天国的妇女教育是仅停留在文件中的一种设想而已,因为当时的各种条件都不能提供实施妇女教育的可能。而科举考试设立女科更是对相关史料的误读。把推行妇女教育理解为事实从而作为太平天国妇女解放的依据是不能成立的。


      Abstract: Advocating gender equality and devoting to women’s education had always been an important content of women’s liberation of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement. And then, did the kingdom really give women their education? The women’s education was the only assumption on document because the conditions of the time could not provide any possibility for carrying out women’s education. And the opening of the special test for women in imperial examination is in fact the misunderstanding of the relevant historical materials. It is not correct to take women’s education in Taiping period as the fact and hence the evidence for women’s liberation.


