吴童. 论《钢琴教师》中女性的另类生存[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 58-60.
    引用本文: 吴童. 论《钢琴教师》中女性的另类生存[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 58-60.
    WU Tong. On the Alternative Existence of Females in A Piano Teacher[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 58-60.
    Citation: WU Tong. On the Alternative Existence of Females in A Piano Teacher[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 58-60.


    On the Alternative Existence of Females in A Piano Teacher

    • 摘要: 《钢琴教师》围绕着权力的控制与抵制、性话语的压抑与争夺等展开,女主人公埃里卡的母亲为其营造了一个男性缺失的世界,以强悍的态度企图代替男性对女儿进行掌控与压制。作者敏锐洞悉了这种隐秘的同性压迫现象,通过埃里卡变态的性心理和性行为,展现了女性精神心理层面的另一种悲剧生存,表现了对女性生存的另类思考。


      Abstract: A Piano Teacher is around the control and resistance of power, and restraint and holding of sexual words. The heroine Erica’s mother has built her a world without any man, trying to control her daughter with her doughty means replacing a man. The author knows clearly the secret oppression of people with same sex. Through Erica’s abnormal sexual psychology and behaviors, the author displays another kind of tragic existence on women’s spiritual and psychological level, and the alternative thinking of women’s existence.


